Ministry & Church Pricing

Enjoy a few of our videos we have completed for ministries. We can take YOUR script and add photos, video and/or both to make your promotion. We then add our SEO (search engine optimization) software and rank your video for your local church or ministry.

To show you the results, do a search for the following terms:

What You Get

Video file sent to you.

Video Uploaded to our channel

Promoted on our social media channels

Promoted on our websites

SEO Ranked to local area

Keyword specific rankings

We extend to all churches, ministries, evangelists, and singers a special promotion pricing. We want to extend this to you as an appreciation of your dedication to God and your sacrificial service. This MinistryPricingPicalso includes denominations and any christian non-profit organization.

We live in a different world with a lot of things on social media, the use of video clips, and a huge array of digital promotional selections. Thus is the reason for JJ Media & Online Services LLC, our desire is to bring to the church world a professional image and give you the same ability to promote yourself just as the “big businesses” do.

With that thinking, we are offering you up to a 50% savings on promotion for your online audience. Please sign up for our email list that is specifically for ministries and you will receive the link to the page for our special pricing. We wish each of you well in your endeavors. Remember, our goal is tohelp you “Promote Your Message” online.

Get Your Christian Ministries Special Pricing.


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